Visual Environmental Communication, Edited by Anders Hansen, David Machin, Lecturer in Communication David Machin. Routledge, 2015. Google Books
Visualizing the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Debate, Elizabeth Anne Gervais Schwarz, Environmental Communication Journal, Volume 7, 2013, Issue 2. Article Here.
Visual Literacy and Science Communication, Jean Trumbo, Science Communication, June 1999 vol. 20 no. 4 409-425. Download PDF.
Putting Environmental Infographics Center Stage: The Role of Visuals at the Elaboration Likelihood Model’s Critical Point of Persuasion, Allison Lazard, Lucy Atkinson. Science Communication 2015, Vol. 37(1) 6–33. Download PDF.
Essay: Seeing Science: Research Opportunities in the Visual Communication of Science Science Communication June 1, 2000 21:379-391 Download PDF.